I'm Abderrahim Soumer

I'm a self-taught, creative, curious, serious, motivated, developer.

My linkedin profile

My Personal Life

Personal photo

If it's a little hard for you to pronounce Abderrahim pronounce it like Abdul Rahim or call me by my lastname which is soumer.

In this section, I will tell you a little personal information about me if you're not interested, skip this section, I want to tell you a little about my personal life because I beleive that you should have an idea about the guy you are working with.

I grown up in a small town, my father was a farmer so I lived my childhood in a farm our closest neighbors was in a distance greater than 500m, But they were close to the heart, It was a good times we spend a lot of time making our toys and play with it, we had a black/white television and we didn't know much about technologie.

My older brother who is now a software developer, was one of the excellent students in our town and followed a technology path, He moved to another city and at that time we were seeing him only when it was a school vacation, One day, he come home and brought a computer with him and then we all sit around and he showed us some of his pictures at university. I was impressed and I started asking questions, What do you do at university ? what this thing (computer) can do ? Can you teach me how to use it ? and a lot of question, It was hard for him to explain to me but at that day my passion about technologies and especialy about computer begin, I started by using microsoft office and now I create website and application from scratch.

My Professional Life

I have 5+ years of professional experiences, My first experience was at a big company it's the oldest publishing company in Morocco, I worked as a web developer for two years and then it was my decission to resign because I thought it is better for me to start a new challenge, I started at a startup as a full stack developer for 6 months and another 6 months as a mobile developer, Then I moved to an international company and I have been working with team members from different countries for more than 2 years now.

I create responsive websites that looks beautiful on desktop and mobile devices. Your website is delivered with a responsive layout that can best make use of the space available on the smallest to largest devices. I know that SEO(search engine optimisation) is critical for your website to get more client, so I use the semantic element to allow Google or another search engine like bing or yahoo to better understand the content of your website.

My front-end build process involves the use of tools such as Sass, Grunt, Gulp, webpack, and NPM to speed up development.

In addition to front-end I do server side development, meaning I develop projects that works behind the scenes that involve databases. I use the programming language PHP with the framework YII2 or Laravel, and the programming language Python with the microframwork Flask, for database I worked with relational database SQL and Non-relational database NoSQL (mongodb).

I develop mobile apps on multiple operating systems (Android, IOS, Web) using modern cross-platform tools especially the framework React-Native.


If you have a project in mind or you want to work with me or you want just to start a conversation feel free to contact me by writing an email or otherwise.